Friday, May 21, 2004

Season Finale and a Series Finale

I'm quite the avid TV watcher - Survivor, The Amazing Race (coming back July 6th - WOO!!), The OC, American Idol, The Apprentice, Joan of Arcadia - the list of current shows and old shows I watch could go on forever. The series finale of Angel was on last night, and the season finale of Smallville was on Wednesday. And I stayed up late both nights to watch them - so I'm pretty tired right now :) Anyway, I really liked Smallville - it was a good season-ending cliffhanger. I was very surprised (SPOILER ALERT - DON'T READ FARTHER IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE EPISODE - MAJOR PLOT POINTS REVEALED!!) that Lionel had Chloe killed. Not so surprised that he had Lex poisoned (I presume), but that boy really needs to stop drinking booze around the mansion - this is the second time Lionel has drugged his alcohol!!
So, that was Wednesday night - definitely worth being up late that night, in my opinion. Then last night was the series finale of Angel, a show getting killed before it's time, I think. It was pretty darn good last season, and this (now the final) season had ups and downs, but I enjoyed it. The finale though - I don't know. I'm going to watch it again (because my wife slept though it), and maybe it will improve after a second viewing. I didn't hate it - it just didn't really have a note of finality to it. I know that they really didn't intend to be ending the series, and kinda rushed to tie up most of the loose ends - but I still think it needed just a bit MORE. I don't know how else to put it really. Sad to see the show go, but maybe they will bring it back - maybe a movie-of-the-week kind of thing.

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