Tuesday, April 21, 2009

More videos!

Yeah, I know - twice in less than a week! Anyway... On to the videos!

Mara tries to get Alex to dance with her
Mara likes to dance along to Dancing With The Stars - but she wants Alex to dance with her.

Mara tries to get Alex to dance with her Part 2

Mara dancing
Mara showing us some moves

Alex spins and takes a tumble
Alex likes to spin around in a circle - he leads with his head, so I call it his 'Riker Spin' (like Commander Riker from Star Trek: Next Generation). He fell down though, you can hear him start to cry at the end. He's OK though - no damage done.

Blast Off!!
For some unknown reason, they both just sat down in their chairs and started doing this together. Caught as much of it as I could on video.

Blast Off!! Part 2