Friday, December 03, 2004

[Sarcasm] Oh, OK Barry - whatever you say [/Sarcasm]

Hot on the heels of the leak of Jason Giambi's grand jury testimony (revealing that he used steroids), Barry Bonds testimony has also been leaked. He stated that he "used a clear substance and a cream given to him by a trainer who was indicted in a steroid-distribution ring, but said he didn't know they were steroids". Right. The article further reports "Bonds told the federal grand jury last year that Greg Anderson, his personal trainer, told him the substances he used in 2003 were the nutritional supplement flaxseed oil and a rubbing balm for arthritis". Does this revelation really surprise anyone?

Thursday, December 02, 2004


Not really "Bah, Christmas" more a "Bah, work sucks". I haven't had any time to do much other than work recently, and for that reason have not posted very often in the last few weeks. Hopefully (fingers crossed), my work situation will get better soon and I'll be able to post more. I haven't even had time to play with my new camera - I know I promised I'd post up some of the pictures I took with it, but I just haven't had a chance. I'm thinking I'll be able to do it soon, this weekend at the latest. Wish me luck!